Durham Public Schools CTE Comes to Visit

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One of our closest and longest running partnerships is with Durham Public Schools. The majority of our interns come via Career and Technical Education teachers working at Durham high schools. The CTE program prepares middle and high school students for college and careers through work-based learning. While in high school, students progress through the 3-2-1 Work-based Learning model. Students gain Awareness of career opportunities, have Exposure to professions through work-site visits, and gain Experience by participating in internships.

Last Tuesday, a group of CTE teachers visited our shop to learn more about our refurbishment process, meet our team, and get more information about our programs. These teachers are also partners in our computer donation efforts. CTE teachers help us make donations by identifying students in need and filling out a Google Form with student information. Thank you to all the teachers who came out last week! We appreciate all that you do for your students.


Triangle Ecycling is a nonprofit with the mission of making Durham (our home town) smarter, cleaner and more equitable. We do this by supporting education. We have a semester long computer tech internship for Durham Public High School juniors and seniors that teaches tech, teamwork and the soft skills of working in a real business that gives back to its community. We’ve had more than 100 interns come through the program. We also donate 10% of our profits to the DPS Foundation to support innovation and equity in the public schools. Finally we teach digital literacy and Internet safety through our nonprofit partners. We make Durham and our environment cleaner by recycling over 70 tons of e-waste a year – keeping much of it out of the landfill. We enhance equity by donating computers, tech support and education to any Durham nonprofit that educates kids and offer discount computers to help bridge the digital divide at our local Triangle VIP Store.