Partnering with Partners for Youth Opportunity

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This week, we’re highlighting one of our long-time collaborators, Partners for Youth Opportunity. This organization works with employers in Durham to create opportunities for young people to network and gain experience in the workplace. We have partnered with PYO for worksite tours, career days, and internships. One of our current part-time employees came to us through PYO last year!

Most recently, we donated 15 laptops to Partners for Youth Opportunity for their after school program. A big thank you is due to Carlton and Bryar for arranging for this donation and providing the photo for this week’s blog post! We’re looking forward to hearing back soon about how students have used their laptops in the program.

If you know a nonprofit that works in youth education in Durham, please let them know about our TEKI Program and have them get in touch.


 Triangle Ecycling is a nonprofit with the mission of making Durham (our home town) smarter, cleaner and more equitable. We do this by supporting education. We have a semester long computer tech internship for Durham Public High School juniors and seniors that teaches tech, teamwork and the soft skills of working in a real business that gives back to its community. We’ve had more than 100 interns come through the program. We also donate 10% of our profits to the DPS Foundation to support innovation and equity in the public schools. Finally we teach digital literacy and Internet safety through our nonprofit partners. We make Durham and our environment cleaner by recycling over 70 tons of e-waste a year – keeping much of it out of the landfill. We enhance equity by donating computers, tech support and education to any Durham nonprofit that educates kids and offer discount computers to help bridge the digital divide at our local Triangle VIP Store.